Founded in 2019 to celebrate its importance, April 4 marks Vitamin C Day, so we’ve decided to take some time and dig into the benefits of one of our f…
According to the US government and reported on by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), over two million people were diagnosed with can…
Written by: Fernando Swartz, Partner.Co Vice President of R&D Your body’s immune system needs to work a little harder during the winter season! Kn…
Written by: Brett West, Partner.Co Senior Director of R&D It’s everyone’s least favorite time of the year: cold and flu season. With so many virus…
For over 25 years, Partner.Co’s scientists and researchers have been studying Tahitian noni and its potential for helping us in a variety of ways. Now…
It’s a new year, and that means a clean slate. You may or may not have accomplished your goals in 2023. If you did, fantastic! You should be proud of …
Are you getting ready to take the Slenderiiz® Challenge and unsure where to start your health journey other than taking Slenderiix™ and Xceler8™? Neve…
‘Tis the season for treats and feasts, but there’s a healthier way that can’t be beat: detoxing. When’s the right time for a detox? Well, if your pant…
Our Research and Development team is at it again! This time, they’re diving into the benefits of Partner.Co bestsellers, the Nutrifii™ Optimals. In th…
As the holiday season knocks on our door, the struggle is real when it comes to not gaining weight. The combination of celebrations, high-calorie food…