When facing delicious-looking food with a big, empty plate, it’s incredibly easy to load up with a little bit of everything. But with a little practic…
Losing weight, improving fitness and making smarter food choices topped the list of New Year’s resolutions for Americans in 2024, according to a surve…
As the leaves turn and the air gets crisp, it’s the perfect time to indulge in apple crisp … or pumpkin spice … or salted caramel mocha. Okay, we’re d…
The world’s best athletes are coming together for the greatest athletic competition on the planet. Dreams will be realized as they put everything on t…
Written by Senior Director of Health & Nutrition Barbara Cox-Lovesy While working at our Tokyo office for a week, I realized that every meal in Ja…
What the heck are iridoids? Like antioxidants, iridoids are compounds found in plants that play an important role in protecting cells from damage. Unl…
Health isn’t just a personal matter; it’s a global issue that, together, we can all work on to ensure everyone can live a happy, healthy, fulfilling l…
Founded in 2019 to celebrate its importance, April 4 marks Vitamin C Day, so we’ve decided to take some time and dig into the benefits of one of our f…
According to the US government and reported on by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), over two million people were diagnosed with can…
Partner.Co is proud to announce the opening of the Global Standard Laboratory (GSL) Powered by Partner.Co. This lab will be the hub of our meticulous …