
Susan Cameron Advances to Chairperson 1

Partner.Co is thrilled to congratulate Susan Cameron for achieving the Title of Chairperson 1. Through personal health battles, and with the help of her mentor and friend, she is thrilled to have accomplished this feat.

It wasn’t always easy, and self-doubt crept in from time to time, she said. There were times when she wondered if she was worthy enough to lead teams. A difficult health journey, too, also made her journey harder. She kept the faith, however, and trusted the process. By doing that, she was able to reach this milestone.

“Through everything, we just trusted God that the people and products that we need for healing are already arranged for us. By believing that, we could overcome the difficulties we faced along our journey,” Susan said.

CIO Katy Holt-Larsen praised Susan’s dedication to her business and her team.

Life is always ready to throw us curveballs, to try and derail our plans. Susan’s dedication to her health, business and team, no matter the circumstances, is beyond commendable. She’s put in hard work already and is well on her way to living out her dreams.

Katy Holt-Larsen, Chief Impact Officer

Susan gave Brand Partners a simple piece of advice to grow their business: “Sell [Slenderiiz®] Drops and invite potential Brand Partners to virtual opportunity calls. The fortune is in the follow-up!”

We love when Brand Partners can savor their successes and the fruits of their labor. We are thrilled for Susan’s accomplishments so far and cannot wait to see her take this momentum and reach Chairperson 2 next.

Kristine McKay, US General Manager

Please join us in congratulating Susan on her achievement!