
Shinya Kada Advances to Chairperson 5

Partner.Co is excited to announce that Shinya Kada has achieved the Title of Chairperson 5. A dedicated leader and karate master, Shinya’s journey to Chairperson 5 has taught him what can happen when you put your nose to the grindstone and never give up.

He said that along the journey, the most challenging part was switching mindsets from monthly to weekly performance.

“My team members were accustomed to a monthly business sense, so we spoke to others with weekly experience and attended trainings on the topic so that our team members could learn more and thrive. The process [of switching mindsets] was like correcting jet lag from an overseas trip,” he said.

Any difficulties he and his team experienced, though, were all part of the learning process. They used those experiences, he said, to work harder and, in doing so, became the leading team in Japan.

“The best part about our journey with Partner.Co was that our team was able to pave a brand-new path to success. Once we did the hard work, many people have and will continue to follow that path and move up,” Shinya said.

Reaching Chairperson 5 is a phenomenal accomplishment. What’s perhaps even greater is Shinya’s dedication to the pursuit of becoming the best in the world. We can’t wait to see where he goes from here.

Darren Zobrist, Founder & Chief Executive Officer

While many who would achieve such a Title as Chairperson 5 might be willing to sit back and rest of their laurels, not Shinya. His next goal? To become the top Brand Partner in the world.

You cannot beat Shinya’s enthusiasm and outlook for his team’s businesses. The path that he has set out before him is ambitious, but if he keeps doing what he’s doing now, I think he’ll get there.

Yiru Zhou, Area President, Greater China & Japan

“I hope to surprise everyone the next time by paving the way to be the best in the world,” he said.

Please join us in congratulating Shinya on his achievement!