
Recognizing Queen Ng’s Accomplishments 

Queen Ng is a remarkable Brand Partner whose success story is nothing short of inspirational. As a Founders Club Member and Partners Council Member, we’re excited to bestow yet another honor upon her — the 2023 Vision Award for the China and Hong Kong region.

Honoring Queen Ng
This regional award is dedicated to those who inspire others to set their vision for success and pursue it. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to receive this distinguishment, and Queen’s journey is truly worthy of it. She has built an impressive business in direct selling over the course of two decades, starting out just like you may have — with an interest in better-for-you products. She found success selling products and continued to grow her business, driven by the desire to improve her family’s quality of life.

Throughout the years, Queen has remained grounded and focused, always looking to lead by example and be the best version of herself. She attributes her success to self-discipline, persistence and hard work, believing these are the key elements to achieving goals. When faced with challenges, she turns to her mentors for advice and practices self-reflection, always keeping sight of why she originally joined the industry.

Queen’s mindset is that success is not just about what we achieve, but also about how we achieve it — with purpose, smart time management and dedication. She thinks work and life are not two separate concepts. But rather, work should be integrated into your everyday lifestyle. Plus, she lives by a quote that says, “When there’s a big rock in your way, how would you process it? If you treat it as an obstacle, you cannot go far; if you treat is as a step for growth, you will step up and look at a bigger world.” This way of thinking is what’s led her to find success and empower others to do the same.

Queen is an inspiration to Brand Partners around the world. She prides herself on being a role model that gives other people a path to success. That’s why we’re proud to honor her achievements with the 2023 Vision Award. Her journey teaches us the importance of focus and reminds us that anything is possible with the right approach.

Congratulations to Queen on this well-deserved recognition!

Learning From Queen Ng
Queen shared key action items that you can implement in your business to become more successful.

  • Learn from people who have already achieved what you want to achieve.
  • Focus on improving. For example, Queen wasn’t naturally extroverted, but she took courses to learn how to better open up.
  • Get and stay motivated by your “Why.” Determine why you want to be successful — such as providing for your family — and use that as your biggest motivation.
  • Incorporate work into your lifestyle.
  • Don’t feel sad about people who don’t share your vision. Like attracts like, so find those people instead.
  • Most importantly, believe in your vision and work hard to make your success a reality!

Partner.Co envisions many more people following Queen’s lead, and we encourage all Brand Partners to model her path to success.