
Partner.Co Wins 4 More dotCOMM Awards

Please join us in celebrating Partner.Co winning four more dotCOMM Awards!

dotCOMM Awards is an international competition honoring excellence in web creativity and digital communication. The competition is unique in that it reflects the role of creatives in the dynamic web that is transforming how we market and communicate products and services.

dotCOMM Awards’ categories are the elements of the web’s evolving tools. Interactivity, content, design, social media, video, apps, blogs and influencers are all critical components of digital public relations, marketing and advertising campaigns. Together, they generate branding, customer engagement and ultimately sales.

This year, we won the following in the dotCOMM Business Awards:


Brand Awareness Campaign: #IfYouKnowYouNoni Campaign

The #IfYouKnowYouNoni campaign was designed to increase brand awareness of our bestseller, Tahitian Noni® ORIGINAL and was successfully integrated across multiple digital platforms, resulting in significant engagement and awareness.

Integrated Marketing: PXP’24 Ticket Launch Campaign

Our PXP’24 ticket launch campaign seamlessly integrated digital platforms and mediums into one cohesive and compelling strategy, including videos, social media graphics, emails, app push notifications, website banners, webinars, and on-stage promotion at Partner.Co Connect. Throughout the campaign, we sold 6,600 tickets, selling out PXPs around the world.


Partner Enrollment Process: Brand Partner Enrollment Process

Utilizing Brand Partner feedback and wanting to elevate the enrollment experience for new Brand Partners and customers, we overhauled our enrollment process to make it exponentially more customer-centric than previous iterations. We prioritized user experience, efficiency and empowerment, elevating customer satisfaction and engagement while streamlining the process to just five minutes.

We take the word “partner” seriously and work hard to ensure Partner.Co is the most collaboration-centric in the industry, as demonstrated by our enrollment process. We’re here for our Brand Partners — what we create is evidence of that.

John Wadsworth, Founder & Chief Brand Partner Officer

Honorable Mention

Microsite: sets the tone for PXP’24 ticket sales and serves as a comprehensive information hub for our four event locations. Its dynamic design, user-friendly interface, and ability to provide up-to-date event details make it an exemplary microsite that inspires excitement and anticipation for the upcoming events while staying true to the vibrancy and passion of PXP.

These awards are a testament to you, our Brand Partners. Because of and for you, our team works tirelessly to create elite content known worldwide for its quality.