Clinical Studies Wellness

New Study Reveals Tahitian Noni® MAX’s Antioxidant Potential

Our Research and Development team, headed by Senior Director of Research and Development Brett West, is constantly working to find out the true power of Tahitian noni.

Now, a new article — published in the World Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and authored by Brett and Senior Manager of Research Shixin Deng — has revealed new information about the power of noni, specifically in Tahitian Noni® MAX.

What is Tahitian Noni MAX?

Tahitian Noni MAX, made with Tahitian noni, Cornelian cherry and olive leaf extract, was designed to boost your daily wellness routine by promoting healthy energy levels, immune system function and heart health.

The Study Process

The study evaluated MAX’s antioxidant activity both in vitro and in healthy, nonsmoking young adult volunteers with remarkable results. To fully show the potential, our scientists assessed MAX compared to pasteurized blood orange juice, which is also rich in antioxidants.

The Results

One of the most significant results from the study showed that, in the in vitro study, MAX had four times more antioxidant potential than blood orange juice!

In the human trial, all participants in the Max group experienced increases in erythrocyte and plasma antioxidant activities within 40 minutes of ingestion. Even more impressive, the average erythrocyte antioxidant activity of this group increased approximately 28 times more than that of the blood orange juice control group, while the increase in plasma antioxidant activity was 49 times greater.

How to Get Your MAX Benefit

What does that mean for you? If you want to supercharge your wellness routine with antioxidants, you can do so easily by drinking Tahitian Noni MAX daily! Just 2 fl oz daily, and you’ll be helping protect your body from oxidative damage without even thinking about it.

Make sure to stock up today!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.