
What Are Iridoids & Why Should I Care?

What are iridoids?

Iridoids are compounds found in plants, playing a crucial role in their defence mechanisms against environmental threats such as insects and diseases. One of the unique sources of these compounds is the Tahitian noni fruit, which grows exclusively in French Polynesia. While iridoids might not be as widely recognised as some other plant compounds, they are significant due to their protective properties for plants.

Iridoids Through the Ages

Throughout history, people haven’t been able to explain much about the power of iridoids, but they have been using or consuming plants that contain them.

Here’s a fun fact: cats have been rolling around in iridoid-containing catnip for insect protection for a long, long time. And humans have been taking advantage of that bug protection, too! For centuries, our ancestors have been benefiting from the insect-repelling properties of plants with iridoids. We know this because there are references to the use of catnip as a human bug repellent from texts dating back to 1638!1

Iridoids aren’t just for avoiding the bugs, though. The people of French Polynesia celebrated noni fruit — which, you guessed it, has lots of2 iridoids — as an indispensable part of their culture and daily life.

As Polynesian voyagers sailed the Pacific Ocean, they carried noni in the limited space they had in their canoes, valuing its numerous uses, including food and non-medicinal purposes.

The Unique Properties of Iridoids

Iridoids are not commonly found in most fruits, making noni fruit particularly special. Iridoids are rare in edible fruits, contrasting with more ubiquitous compounds like polyphenols2. This rarity highlights the uniqueness of noni as a source of these beneficial compounds.

Tahitian Noni: A Source of Iridoids

When it comes to finding a potent source of iridoids, Tahitian noni fruit is the answer. The noni fruit, packed with iridoids such as deacetylasperulosidic acid and asperulosidic acid3, was integral to Polynesian culture. These compounds are present in higher concentrations in noni than in many other commonly consumed fruits, offering a unique dietary source.

Incorporating Tahitian Noni into Your Routine

With its rich iridoid content, Tahitian noni juice can easily be integrated into your daily routine with Tahitian Noni® Original. Moreover, noni in the Tahitian Noni® Original also contributes to the normal function of the immune system, making it a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Embrace the tradition celebrated by the Polynesian people for centuries and enjoy the unique benefits* of Tahitian Noni® Original.

*Noni in Tahitian Noni® Original, which contributes to the normal function of the immune system.

1 catnip/#:~:text=Both%20catnip%20and%20silver%20vine,herbivores%20with%20their%20unpalatable%20taste.

2Przybylska et al. A Review on Bioactive Iridoids in Edible Fruits – from Garden to Food and Pharmaceutical Products. Food Reviews International Volume 39, 2023 – Issue 9, pp. 6447-6477.

3Deng et al. Determination and comparative analysis of major iridoids in different parts and cultivation sources of Morinda citrifolia. Phytochemical Analysis 2011 Jan-Feb;22(1):26-30.