
Partner.Co Welcomes Diane Odom to the Wellness Council

Partner.Co is thrilled to welcome Diane Odom to the Wellness Council. A registered nurse with over four decades of experience, in addition to being a Medical Massage Practitioner, Diane brings a wealth of illness prevention experience to her new role on the Council.

The Wellness Council represents a worldwide collaboration of health, wellness and fitness professionals who are passionate advocates for preventative health maintenance. They continually update our collective understanding of health science and provide invaluable guidance on both product formulations and the education of our Brand Partners.

Diane’s journey started back when she was struggling to find a sustainable weight loss programme. After doing her due diligence, she saw the quality of Partner.Co’s products, learned about the high standards during research, development and manufacturing, and she became a customer. Finding success, Diane took the next step and became a Brand Partner. Now an Officer, she is excited to advance even further by supporting Partner.Co’s vision.

“I am looking forward to introducing people around the world to Partner.Co and our quality products and services. With over 40 years in healthcare, I’ve become an adept listener to people’s needs, which will be key for the Council — and all of Partner.Co — when it comes to the research, development and implementation of new products, etc. Moving forward from sick care to well care, I’m excited to help as many people live happier, healthier lives.”

Diane Odom

Diane’s experience in the nursing field has been wide-ranging over her 43-year career. She’s sat on the board to implement a new Oncology Department. She was also in charge of training all the nursing staff on the Oncology Policy and Procedures. As a Level 3-4 NICU RN, she attended high risk deliveries, land and air transports and was a CPR/NRP (neonatal resuscitation programme) instructor. As a Medical Massage Practitioner, Diane worked in the hospitals while maintaining her own private practice.

“Our Council members come from all walks of life, each with their own unique skill set. This blending of skills and backgrounds is critical because it helps us see all sides of any and everything we’re working on. Diane’s on-the-ground experience working with countless patients over the years will help us greatly when thinking about illness prevention via supplementation in all different groups.”

Vice President of R&D Fernando Swartz

Welcome, Diane!