
Cristina Ciraci & Vito Semeraro Advance to Chairperson 1

Congrats, Cristina and Vito, for reaching Chairperson 1!

Partner.Co is thrilled to announce that Cristina Ciraci & Vito Semeraro have advanced their Title to Chairperson 1. Based in Italy, this dynamic duo has been hard at work building their team and helping them succeed throughout their own journey.

Because their team was functioning like a well-oiled machine, they said, being able to reach Chairperson 1 felt easy to them, even when difficult times presented themselves. Those difficult times, they continued, have also been some of the best parts of their time with Partner.Co, because they formed the foundation for their successes then and now.

Cristina and Vito show that persistence pays off. We love when Brand Partners come in with a goal and work hard — and help their team work equally hard — to achieve their goal. I can’t wait to see what’s next for Cristina and Vito.

John Wadsworth, Founder & Chief Brand Partner Officer

As they’ve built their business, they said they like to keep a certain mantra in mind and hope that other Brand Partners can use the same mantra. Their mantra, “Work hard today to live the life you deserve tomorrow,” makes it easier to work through any difficulties in the present knowing that greater things are just over the horizon.

At Partner.Co, we want everyone to be able to live the life they’ve always dreamed of. We’ve got everything in place for Brand Partners to do that, and Cristina and Vito are prime examples of Brand Partners who get it. It’s a thrill to see them achieve Chairperson 1.

Cameron Bott, Area President, EMEA/The Americas

Looking ahead, Cristina and Vito have a piece of advice for Brand Partners.

“Enjoy the journey of transformation without rushing it. Good things take time and experience.”

Please join us in congratulating Cristina and Vito on their achievement!